Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice

Think and Grow Rich, A Black Choice

When you do a study on Black History here in America, I believe Everyone can agree that No group of people have been under more Persecution and Economic Abuse than Black People.  This Country was Founded on the Backs of Black People, on the Backs of Black Slaves.  Yet we were Systematically and Dogmatically Denied the Fruits of our Own Hard Labor and Sacrifice.  We were treated worse than Animals.  Dogs had more Rights than us.  Our men were Beaten, Castrated, Hung and Lynched.  Our women and young girls were Raped and Abused and forced into Breeding farms to mass-produce black babies that would later become profitable slaves.  Our babies were snatched up from their mother’s arms and used as Alligator Bait to catch Alligators in the Deep Swamps of Florida.  We were treated worse than animals.  We were treated like Sub-Humans.

3/5ths Human

In the U.S. Constitution it Clearly states that Black People were considered to be 3/5ths of a human being.  Article One, Section Two Declares and I paraphrase: “Any person who was not Free (Black Slaves) would be counted as three-fifths of a Free individual for the purposes of determining congressional representation.”  Now, I understand the conflict between the Northern states and the Southern states.  The Southern States wanted to count each persecuted slave as one whole individual to increase their state’s population.  This would mean more electoral votes for that state which would give them More Power to continue with Slavery.  However, the Northern States, who were Against Slavery, came up with a Compromise to allow the Southern states to count each slave as 3/5ths of a person or 3/5ths of the entire slave population.  But May I ask you, which one is worse?  Being counted as a whole person, and treated worse than a Dog, Or being counted 3/5ths of a person and Still be Treated worse than a Dog?  No Matter how you look at it, No Matter How you slice it, Black People have been Stamped with the “3/5ths Human-being” Stamp since Day one, and This Stamp has been Deeply Embedded into Our DNA and into Our Subconscious Mind.  It is So Sad that our own existence was used against us to Keep us Bound in Slavery.  We had No Rights, We Had No Voice, We Had No Dignity, We had No Choice.  But Today in 2023, That Has Changed Dramatically!

 Control Knowledge in Order To Control A People

Although the level of physical pain and suffering was off the charts, physical pain wasn’t the worst thing that black slaves endured.  The worst thing about slavery was the systematic and coordinated denial of access to books, reading and education.  It was against the law for blacks to learn how to read.  Anyone caught teaching a slave how to read or write was severely punished.  The Holy Word of God says, “My People Are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge” (Hosea 4:6) and “Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free”, (John 8:32).  Slave Owners understood these scriptures well.  They understood that Knowledge is Power and that Restricting Knowledge from slaves was key to maintaining their Iron grip over them.  Once Black People Discovered how to read and write, they would eventually become Free.  When they got a Taste of Knowledge, when they began to Think on New ideas and concepts, their thirst for more Knowledge and Truth increased.  And as they discovered more Truth, that Truth eventually would set them Free.  Knowledge led black people to understand that they were more than 3/5ths human and that they no longer had to Suffer and Perish anymore under the institution of slavery.  It taught them that All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.  Those Rights are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  This knowledge gave them courage to stand up to their oppressors which eventually led to one of the Worst Wars in Human History.  The War to End All slavery once and for all, The Civil War.

Bloood, The Heavy Price of Freedom

Two years into the Civil War, President Lincoln issued a document that would provide Freedom to slaves and moral strength to the Union Army.  The Emancipation Proclamation set blacks free physically, but mentally and financially we were still in bondage.   We lived like wandering animals owning nothing but the clothes on our backs.  We struggled to survive from day to day not knowing where our next meal would could from. This Poorman mentality would lead into the next century lasting over 150 years following The Proclamation.  Black people are born with the “3/5ths human being” mindset.  Society will not let us escape it.  Whenever we attempt to have our own Wall Street, they massacred the people and burned it down.  When our leaders dared to Speak up and attempt to lead us to the Promise Land of Wealth and Financial Freedom, they were murdered.  I was 5 months old when President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed.  If any President had opportunity to Impact our Economic Empowerment in a Great way, it was JFK.  Losing him was a great blow to the economic progress of black people.  Later it would be, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Medger Evers, Bobby Kennedy and Malcom X.  One by one, Every glimmer of Hope was Shot Down in Broad Daylight.  One hundred years later, our Emancipation was drowning in a cloud of Intense Poverty and Systemic Racism.  One Hundred years later, I was born into this Thick Cloud of Hardship.

My $5.00 Mindset

My mom and dad, who worked hard all their lives, started with jobs that paid $1.50 to $2.50 an hour.  My mom tells the story of how many times we had to learn how to survive on just $5.00 dollars a week.  We ate a whole lot of beans and potatoes.  I was raised in the scarcity lifestyle that millions more black people are raised in.  I knew absolutely nothing about Money, Wealth or Riches.  Those three words were not in my family’s vocabulary at all.  School didn’t teach me.  Church didn’t teach me.  Matter of fact some of the teachings of the church kept us in poverty, like money is evil and it’s a sin to be wealthy.  But the Holy Bible doesn’t say that at all.  It says “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil” (1st Timothy 6:10).  If we become rich,  Let not our Riches lead us to Conceitedness and High-mindedness, Neither let it lead us to being stingy with our wealth, but let it lead us instead to communicate Our Wealth with the Poor, For it is The Living God Who gives us Richly All Things To Enjoy.” (1st Timothy 6:17-18).  In other words, It’s Okay for us to become Rich, But as we become Rich, Never let us forget where we came from.   Amen & Amen!

Think and Grow Rich is a Black Choice

The only economic advice we received was, “go to school, get good grades so you can get a good job.” This Poorman mentality was all around us.  Hard back-breaking work with little pay was all I saw.  I was born into it.  I was completely surrounded by it.  Scarcity economics had been Deeply implanted into my subconscious mind.  Until one day I decided that I needed to read more books about wealth and real estate.  The first noteworthy book I read was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki.  I read and studied nearly every book that Robert and his company wrote including “Retire Young, Retire Rich” and “The Conspiracy of the Rich.”   I’ve also studied the Think and Grow Rich teachings of Nepoleon Hill and President Donald J. Trump and many more.  As I look back on the days of slavery when We Had No Rights, No Voice, No Dignity and No Choice I clearly see that there is a Pole shift taking place in the black community.  We’ve gone from a Scarcity mindset I’m barely making it 9 to 5 mindset to owning 4 to 5 business and 3 rental homes mindset.  We’re beginning to realize that money is not cash or gold, but that money is a well thought-out plan, a unique strategy or an innovative idea.    A great door of knowledge has been opened for everyone and Blacks by the Thousands are boldly walking through it.  The Millionaire Mindset is Rapidly becoming common knowledge and the teachings of Nepoleon Hill is becoming so Mainstream now that, “Think and Grow Rich is a Black Choice”.

{Unique 100% Handwritten Content/ by Charles A. Thompson/ All Rights Reserved 2023}


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